Forbairt ghlas, ag tabhairt aird ar chosc ar thruailliú sa phróiseas déanta páipéar leithris

Is féidir cosc ​​agus rialú ar thruailliú sa phróiseas déanta páipéir leithris a roinnt ina dhá chatagóir: cóireáil fhónta comhshaoil ​​ar an láthair in-gléasra agus cóireáil fuíolluisce lasmuigh den láthair.

Including: ① strengthen the preparation (dust, sediment, peeling, pith, etc.), the use of water film dust collector, reduce dust pollution in the preparation workshop, collection of waste, combustion recovery of thermal energy, such as the use of coirt, sceallóga adhmaid, coire dóire féir; ② water conservation, white water recycling, a number of times the water reuse; ③ to improve the extraction of cooking black liquor, strengthen the management of the counter current washing section to increase the number of sections, reduce the amount of cooking black liquor with the pulp taken away from the wash, and use the perfect cooking waste liquid recovery ceimiceán agus teicneolaíocht fuinnimh theirmeach, amhail aisghabháil alcaile, agus úsáid chuimsitheach leacht dramhaíola eile. Agus úsáid a bhaint as aisghabháil leacht dramhaíola cócaireachta foirfe ceimiceán agus teicneolaíocht fuinnimh teirmeach, mar shampla aisghabháil alcaile, chomh maith le húsáid chuimsitheach eile a bhaint as teicneolaíocht leachtach dramhaíola; ④ chlorine dioxide or oxy-alkali bleaching, or hydrogen peroxide bleaching, in order to reduce the wastewater lignin chloride, chlorophenol and other toxic emissions; ⑤ dirty condensate purified by steam extraction method for reuse to reduce the wastewater emissions of reduced sulfur and soluble organics; ⑥ collection of run-off and dripping black liquor, Green liquid, white liquid, with electronic computer control to measure its concentration, automatically sent back to the corresponding tank percussion, to reduce emissions; ⑦ recovery of lost fibers, reduce the content of suspended solids in wastewater; ⑧ to improve the recovery of turpentine sulphate soap, reduce the emission of toxic substances; ⑨ treatment of solid waste, the use of combustion to recover heat, comprehensive utilization and fill the pit of the three kinds of treatment; ⑩ cóireáil deannaigh is féidir, a úsáid i bhaint deannaigh leictreach, a bhaint deannaigh scannán uisce agus deighilteoir cioclón agus trealamh eile; air pollution processing Separator and other equipment; air pollution treatment, collection of odorous gas in each workshop, including the odorous gas raised by dirty condensation water vapour, after cooling, dehydration, explosion-proof and other measures, sent to the boiler, alkali recovery furnace or lime kiln combustion treatment;? Noise treatment, take measures to eliminate vibration, sound insulation and switch to low-noise equipment.


Cóireáil fuíolluisce lasmuigh den ghléasra

Wastewater from the total discharge outlet of the whole plant is treated at the primary or secondary level before it is discharged into a water body, or the wastewater is used for irrigation and the soil and plants are used to purify the wastewater. Baineann cóireáil phríomhúil go príomha le hábhar ar fionraí, le modhanna cosúil le dríodrú agus scagachán agus snámhacht aeir. Cuireann plandaí aonair flocculants leis an bhfuíolluisce chun cuid den ábhar orgánach colóideach tuaslagtha a bhaint, mar shampla lignin agus líocha. Is féidir le cóireáil phríomhúil ghinearálta 80 ~ 90% SS agus 20% BOD5 a bhaint. cóireáil thánaisteach le haghaidh cóireála bithcheimiceach, go príomha chun BOD5 a bhaint. China has a few plants have been applied to this method, counting oxidation ponds, biofilters, bio-turntable and activated sludge (including adsorption and regeneration, accelerated aeration, contact oxidation). Is féidir le cóireáil thánaisteach ghinearálta 60 ~ 95% BOD5 a bhaint. industrial developed countries, there are individual plants for wastewater tertiary decolourisation and purification treatment, so as to reach the level of drinking water, but the cost is expensive.


Tá páipéar leithris Yashi 100% nach n-úsáideann leasacháin cheimiceacha agus lotnaidicídí. Glacann an próiseas iomlán teicneolaíocht laíonadh fisiceach agus neamh-thuaradh chun a chinntiú nach bhfuil aon iarmhair tocsaineacha agus díobhálacha cosúil le ceimiceáin, lotnaidicídí, miotail throma, etc. eilimintí díobhálacha agus carcanaiginí. Úsáid Tá sé níos sábháilte agus tá tomhaltóirí níos cinnte.


Am postála: Lúnasa-13-2024